Thursday, November 5, 2009

So strolling through the parking lot today...(pointless entry)

So as i was walking my way to the library i noticed a piece of trash, a Mc Donalds cup, crumbled with tire marks across the face, and my initial reaction was not ,"Hey piece of trash probably needs to be picked up", but "Wonder if it has a Monopoly piece?". I picked up the cup only to realize that their wasn't any pieces on their , and it was just another worthless piece of trash. As I go to place the trash back on the ground I stopped and caught a glance of the entire parking lot, the cup still in my hand,and I began to see it. Thousands upon thousands of pieces of trash laying everywhere, under cars ,in the trees, and even right in the middle of the sidewalk. Grasping the piece and folding it into a smaller square i begin to walk down the way, still seeing it all everywhere, and as I placed the cup in the trashcan I thought to myself "Was it really that hard?".

Still just walking along campus seeing all the garbage everything from cigarette buds, coke cans , and numerous pieces of paper. The campus doesn't look like an over used landfill, but little things that stood out as an easily could be thrown away, and laziness got the best of people. The trash is a metaphor for the laziness and careless behaviors people can deal with everyday. For students that go to a campus to learn and higher their education to just leave everything laying around like its their apartment is ridiculous.

For a fact this whole blog entry is pretty pointless, but I wanted to get it out how amazed I was at simple tasks that people will and will not do. If the measly act of throwing away a piece of trash is too much, I'm extremely scared for our future, and how far will people let carelessness take them.

Depends on how much they want out of life I suppose...

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