What a blog post eh? I have come to realize that my passionate hate for math runs much deeper than anything i've ever experienced. It's a never ending battle with numbers that I just can't escape, and when exam time roles around I become a solemn man drowning his eyes deep into the hundreds of pages preparing myself for a half ass grade. It seems that no matter how much time I put in it alls falls to a mediocre average to just passing grade. Anything else that takes up my time I can just breeze through and grab an A like a late night snack out of the fridge. So frustrating to know that you can be so bad at one thing and be pretty solid at the rest. It may seem like i'm just dragging on about how much I want to rip the square roots, pie, natural and regular LOG out of my book and say peace it. Many nights I just stare and remember nothing and have a driven image of my steady writing white haired prof that can never get out of the way of the notes I need. Anyways I have an exam coming up on Wednesday and i'm going to prepare an extra amount of time just to make an 85, but i'll take that for the time being.
On another note Conan O'Brien came back tonight on TBS, which wasn't as huge of a bit as I had expected. Too many awkward laughing moments and not enough whitty satire, and sarcastic remarks dogging NBC for dropping him without a single warning. I'm sure it was just getting back to the routine, and working on his humor toward the public view.
Ugh this was a pointless rant but I feel better now. Why not post something on a blog that doesn't make a difference to the world. I guess thats my blog!
Monday, November 8, 2010
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